Check Out Our Summer Reading List

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The summer reading lists have been complied by the MLCA high school English teachers to reflect the emphasis of the literature class for which students will be enrolled in for the 2018-2019 school year.  Generally, students need to read the book (2 for Honors classes) indicated for their upcoming English class.  These reading assignments are mandatory;  students will receive a grade for the activity.

On the second day of school, students must bring their annotated summer readying book(s) to class.  Assignments for the first days of school will be based on the summer reading.  Because we are requiring that students annotate the summer reading, it is better if they own the book (to write in) as opposed to borrowing it from the library or using an ebook.  Audiobooks are meant to accompany a hardcopy.  Annotations are made using the hardcopy.  Pease contact the school with any questions.

English 8

The Hobbit byJ.R.R. Tolkien (ISBN 978-0547928227; Audio B0099SNV7I)

World Literature: Shorter Works (9th/10th graders)

A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen (ISBN 978-1503900233, Audio B0062188D0)

Honors World Literature: Shorter Works (9th/10th graders) READ BOTH

A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen (ISBN 978-1503900233, Audio B0062188D0)

The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros (ISBN 978-0679734772; Audio ASIN B000B9NDWM)

American Literature (11th/12th graders)Pick 1

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (ISBN 978-0812974492)

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith (ISBN 978-0061120077; Audio B015NOYE00)

A Separate Peace by John Knowles (ISBN 978-0743253970; BOO1FY4RLI)

AP Language and Composition- Contact Mr. Herrmann